From time to time INFOWEB global may grant
bonuses to some employees for exceptional contributions to INFOWEB global grwoth. These bonuses fall under the categories of Performance Bonuses, Employee Referral Fees and Client/Project Referral Fees.
The final
decesion of payment of or any bonus is left to the descretion of INFOWEB global management.
Performance Bonuses
Performance bonuses are given to full-time employees for exceptional performance on a specific
assignment.The bonus amount will be determined by INFOWEB global's management. Performance Bonuses are one-time occurrences and are not to be expected as part of your recurring annual compensation.
Employee Referral Fee
We encourage you to refer qualified professionals to INFOWEB global.You will be paid a Employee Referral Fee for each person, referred by you,who is hired.The fee will be from $500 to $1500
depending on the level at which the professional is hired. The fee will be payable on the 3 month anniversary of the new employee's start date and is contingent upon both of you are still being INFOWEB global employees.
Client/Project Referral Fees
You can contribute to INFOWEB global growth by identifying : New Clients Major extensions of current projects or New projects at an existing client.
A referral fee of $1500 to $3000 will be paid three months after commencement of the new work.